New Students and New Admissions
If you’re a student not currently in Australia, or you’re in Australia but not currently on a student visa and wish to study in Australia – this is for you.
Regardless of what your goals and future plans are, studying in Australia is one the best things you can do for your career and future prospects.
What you can study in Australia will depend on certain factors including your previous education and work experience (if applicable).

Your Options
What can I study?
Generally, you would be limited to studying something related to your field of study. That’s why the best time to study in Australia is after you’ve completed your Higher School Certificate (Class 12th). This gives you the most options to decide your future here in Australia.
If you’re already through a diploma or degree – you’re more limited with your options and you should study something related to what you’ve already done.
There are always exceptions to this and that depends on your personal circumstances.
What do I need to study in Australia?
You will need to have your previous education certificates and transcripts ready along with an up to date CV / Resume.
You will also need to show relevant funds – such as one year living expense, one year course fees, return airfare and health insurance.
Book a free consultation right now to find out what you need to study in Australia and to get started with your admissions process.