Studying in Australia as a Student
As a student you may want to study in Australia for a number of reasons.
The main reasons students like you want to study in Australia are usually one of the following:
- To settle in Australia after completing their studies
- To get a quality Australian education and move back to your home country or another country with the knowledge and skills you’ve gained by studying in Australia
- To get a quality Australian education and improve your work prospects and also settle in Australia
Regardless of what your reasoning is – Australia is arguably the best destination for you to complete your studies and build your future.
Australia has one of the highest minimum wages in the world and ample room for growth for students like you who are willing to build their skills.
What should you study?
Depending on what your future goals are and what your reasons are to study in Australia – you need to choose what you study here with a lot of thought.

Studying for PR
Studying for Australian Permanent Residency (PR)
If your goal is to hopefully one day become a Permanent Resident – your best chances are to studying something that leads to your future occupation being on the medium and long-term skills list. If this occupation is there on the list when you’ve completed your studies – your chances of getting PR dramatically increase – provided you can fulfil other requirements to obtain a permanent residency, such as having enough points (because PR in Australia is provided on a points basis), and meeting all other criteria at the time.
If you’re studying for hopefully obtaining Permanent Residency alone - there are many different options you have to choose from.

Studying for both Skills and PR
Studying to improve your knowledge & skills and also obtaining Permanent Residency (PR) as a result of your efforts
This is the path most students opt for and is the path we recommend. You will still need to study something that is on the medium and long-term skills list, however, studying something that interests you and something you can see yourself doing for your entire working life provides you with the much-needed motivation and push to get through your studies rather than studying something you do not like.

Studying for Skills and an Australian Education
Studying to improve your knowledge & skills with a quality Australian education and moving back home or to a different country
If your main goal is to get a quality Australian education that is recognised around the world for the skills it teaches you and the workforce ready preparation it provides – there is arguably no better destination than Australia. Your options are practically unlimited since you do not need to think about doing a course or degree that is on the medium and long-term skills list.